
There are many reasons why tourists come to Tanzania.
The team will use a range of visualisation techniques to analyse and reveal insights on tourism spending.
As showcased in the RShiny app, users will be able to:

Analyse spending behaviours

What type of tourist spend the most? What causes these type of tourist to spend more? Can we replicate this to encourage other tourists spend more? These are some questions that we hope to answer.

Compare countries

Which country should the Tourism board spend more investment dollar? What is the reason for travellers from each country to come into Tanzania? This app will uncover these insights

Spending predictions

Applying different machine learning techniques such as random forest and decision tree, this app will try to predict certain spending behaviours based on different factors and patterns.


The team analysed from the overall statistical analysis
to individual contry profile and spending behaviour


Total Visitors

39,02 mil

TSZ Spent in total

8,736 mil

TSZ Spent by Top country: USA

11 nights

Spent on avg per tourist

RShiny App

Understand the spending nature of tourists.
Predict spending and invest in accurate marketing dollar


How the Team came to this idea and
the process of app development

Data Preparation

By Michael / Feb 14, 2023

Data wrangling was done to check for missing data. Countries were mapped to country codes etc.

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Exploratory Data Analysis

By Ariana / March 14, 2023

Correlation graphs were explored to find interesting findings.

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Confirmatory Data Analysis

By Michael / March 11, 2023

Analysis was performed for descriptive, numerical variables, regions and countries.

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Decision Tree

By Magdalene / March 1, 2023

Both regression tree analysis and random forest analysis were performed to explore the useability.

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Clustering Analysis

By Magdalene / March 11, 2023

Latent class analysis was done for categorical variables and continuous variables binned.

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If you have any feedback, drop us a note!